International Student Survey 2025
from UMSU International
UMSU International is the peak representative body of international students at The University of Melbourne. To improve international students’ experience at the University, we conduct the annual International Students Survey. This provides international students with the opportunity to give feedback and opinions on their experiences learning and living in Australia.
The results and feedback will be brought to the university to strive for future improvements and actions. We aim to ensure your voices are heard. Both the University of Melbourne and UMSU International will consider these responses with the utmost seriousness, open-mindedness, and respect. Moreover, the results will also be used to assess the effectiveness of our services. Major policy changes aiming at improving YOUR experience at the university have occurred in the past based on the results of this survey. Thus, we hope you carefully answer each question with sincerity. The results of this survey will be anonymous. Your responses will be de-identified, ensuring that any personal information (e.g., student email) is kept separate from your answers to protect your privacy.
Each and every one of your voices matters.
You MUST be an INTERNATIONAL student at The University of Melbourne to take part in this survey.
Participation is VOLUNTARY, but we would be incredibly grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill out this important survey.
The survey is completely ANONYMOUS. Survey results might be used in a public report, but the anonymity of participants will be protected through the removal of any personal identifiers. Personal information submitted for the LUCKY DRAW will not be collated with the survey responses.
Data collected from this survey will only be accessible by UMSU International and will be discarded after 31/8/2025.
WARNING: The survey may contain questions regarding sensitive topics. Participants have the right to skip those questions or opt out of the survey at any time.
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this year's International Student Survey, presented by the University of Melbourne Student Union International (UMSU INTL).
This survey will approximately take about 15-20 minutes of your time.
Your personal information is managed under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
Personal information is any recorded data that identifies a person or could be reasonably be used to identify them. All personal information collected by UMSU International is governed by UMSU’s Privacy Policy, available here.
Fast Track Incentive: You will be eligible to be fast-tracked in our International Brekkie if you fill out this survey
If you have any questions or inquiries about the survey or UMSU International, feel free to approach anyone on our team or contact:
Yuxuan Liu:
Tiffany Auyeung:
From UMSU International, THANK YOU!
Do you accept the terms and conditions of this survey?
- KeyAI accept
- KeyBI don’t accept