Question 1*
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Question 2*
City sale price below is 40% off from the public sale price.
If you choose to pay with DENA, you will get 50% off the public sale price. (The final price will fluctuate depending on the DENA price)
**Please contact, if your desired city is not on the list.
Choose as many as you like
- KeyASalt Lake City (USA) - 0.68568ETH
- KeyBDenver (USA) - 0.99456ETH
- KeyCDetroit (USA) - 0.89664ETH
- KeyDIndianapolis (USA) - 0.99456ETH
- KeyEColumbus (USA) - 0.99456ETH
- KeyFPhoenix (USA) - 1.20552ETH [SOLD OUT]
- KeyGHong Kong (China) - 0.702ETH [SOLD OUT]
- KeyHBeijing (China) - 0.95568ETH [SOLD OUT]
- KeyIChongqing (China) - 0.72336ETH
- KeyJGwangju (South Korea) - 1.16016ETH [SOLD OUT]
- KeyKJeju (South Korea) - 1.16016 [SOLD OUT]
- KeyLDaegu (South Korea) - 1.28064ETH [SOLD OUT]
- KeyMNagoya (Japan) - 1.51392ETH
- KeyNKobe (Japan) - 1.28064ETH
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